Natural Pain Solutions
Self help pain relief techniques can help us feel better
- put one simple change into action today.
​​Information and stories for those living with chronic pain about natural, holistic self help ways to reduce pain and improve overall health and resilience.

Why I Began Natural Pain Solutions
In the past ten years ideas about chronic pain management and treatment have begun to change. Indeed, it's time, as increasing numbers of patients are still being told to live with pain.
The number of people with chronic pain is increasing every day throughout the world.
But who wants to “cope” with pain or manage their pain.
Chronic Pain Treatment.
However, to make changes is difficult so it's important to find positive ways to approach chronic pain treatment.
Consideration of different aspects of causes of pain are needed to reduce the severity of chronic pain and its impact on your lifestyle and happiness is: -
Past injury and challenges - Life Crises.
Negative thoughts and feelings - Emotional Release.
How our body learns to be in pain - Neural Networks.
Lack of future life goals - Motivate and Inspire.
Chronic Pain Education.
My aim on this website, during consultations and with online resources is to educate those living with chronic pain and chronic pain practitioners [clinicians] about recent new ideas about chronic pain treatments and self help techniques
The Foundations of Natural Pain Solutions
​To address chronic pain I believe the complex issues involved need to be treated in a holistic way, a complete blend of mind and body in every step. We are a complete person where all of our body systems and parts work together in natural harmony. It's this natural harmony that we need to restore to be well.
You, the person with chronic pain, need to:
Gain control of what is happening both inside and outside of consultations with pain specialist and doctors.
Be able to ask questions and be given information about why you have pain.
What will be the long-term outcomes for you.
Know the risks and side-effects of any treatment or therapy that is prescribed to treat your pain.
Self-responsibility and self-efficacy creates change, giving you control and with knowledge be able to help yourself.
Blogs and pages on this website provide information to improve your understanding together with an abundance of self-help ideas.
My Chronic Pain Treatment Ideas
I believe that there are many ways that Chronic Pain can be experienced and treated.
Each is unique to you - the person with the pain.
Here I share my ideas, practices and experience I've developed over the past 20 years in: -
Private Pain Clinics in Perth, Australia,
Christchurch in New Zealand.
Now I want to extend my ideas, one could say spread my wings online to show more people how they can take action.
Daily to reduce their pain.
My hope is to have easy to use self-help techniques and ideas. Each person with chronic pain can use these free online to help relieve pain and regain their lives.
Cheryl's testimonial of sciatica chronic pain and health crisis due to overwhelmed with work and family. She kept 'pushing through'.
Devastated by serious work injury causing chronic pain in the work that she loved Mel wanted to stop work insurance and back to nursing career.
Al's need to regain life and work to overcome the unbearable pain and frightening future of aging with chronic pain
Executive career woman, Cathy wanted natural therapy for her recently diagnosed fibromyalgia, when doctors only offered medication.
Getting Help for Chronic Pain
Some insights into how Natural Pain Solutions
can help you make changes